Imagine Bar Punta Cana Guy Walks Into A Bar Joke! Imagine That!?

Guy walks into a bar joke! Imagine that!? - imagine bar punta cana

Guy goes into a bar and asks the barman for a double room.
and the bartender says: "Wow ... What's the Deal?" "Well, I am in a great fall / dragOut with women." Says the boss. "But eventually I came crawling on hands and knees!" "Really?" The bartender asked. "What he said?" The Master replied: "She said, 'get out from under the bed, you little chicken Sh * t! "


Mary D said...

Hey, I like that.
Very nice ... lol lol lol lol lol

Sonu G said...

Ha Ha Ha 10/10

Kat said...


hahaha ...

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