Drinking And Driving Psa Ideas It's Relatively Easy To Know If You're Drunk (even If You Don't Care). How Do You Know If You're Buzzed/tipsy?

It's relatively easy to know if you're drunk (even if you don't care). How do you know if you're buzzed/tipsy? - drinking and driving psa ideas

Anti-Drunk Driving PSA has me thinking about this question.

Whenever I drank, I did not think to go. I knew immediately that it was a stupid idea, and showed my ability to know at home.

But if you're buzzed / Drunk (and I realize that there are many definitions of May) is not so easy to know not to go. And if anyone's decision, you do not really behave very differently protest to take place in normal activities think you're drunk.

Are there any guidelines that are used to indicate when you are buzzed / drunk (if you plan to drive or not)?


Lan3381 said...

Item Never drive when you drink or if he drank much or little. Alcohol can sell at any time if it is not a good idea of unity, even if u think he does not feel the alcohol in his system.

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